Saturday, July 31, 2010

Seriously?? 5 months....

since i posted to the blog!! I should just quit! LOL. Holy cow things are always so busy. Well, summer break came and went faster than I could have imagined! It doesn't help that our break is only 6 weeks long. Keith had to go back 1 week early for an extra orientation. I went back a week later and then school started 2 weeks ago. It's been a whirlwind.
The summer was really great and we got to spend some time with Hunter, finally! I got to stay home with him and take him swimming. We had a blast. He is such a good little boy and I am so proud of him. He talks so well and has a pretty large vocabulary for a 2 year old. I can't believe he is getting so big.
Keith and I decided to start going back to church. Not that we ever "stopped". We just didn't make the time like we should have. We decided this year that we needed to make it a priority. We went back and before we even started sacrament meeting, I was called to be the ward organist and Keith was called to be the assistant scoutleader for the 11 year olds. It's been kind of stressful, but I feel like our weeks at work have gone by smoother and easier. Especially for the beginning of the year!